Learn How to Structure Your
Blog Posts

An outline template that helps you structure your blog posts correctly for SEO and so you don't miss anything ever again.

Blog Post Outline Template

Sign up to my email list and get my FREE blog post outline template you can use to structure your blog posts correctly and make money selling printables!

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    Heather Ritchie

    Founder of Writer's Life for You and Certified Content Marketing Strategist

    Who am I?

    My name is Heather, and I started my freelance writing business five years ago. I made many mistakes along the way, but that's where I can help you.

    My goal is to make your journey to a profitable business quicker and help you avoid the common mistakes new freelancers make.

    What are you getting?

    • Learn how to structure your blog posts for SEO and selling printables or affiliate products
    • A blog post outline template with examples and how to use it